Fix: This site can’t be reached
Your DNS cache stores the IP addresses (Locations) of web servers which you have recently visited or viewed. You might see error like “This site can’t be reached”. This generally happens due to IP change or your IP blacklisted by the server firewall. IP change is most common issue and IP blacklisted is due to unusual activity from user end. In this post we will discuss about this issue.
How to clear your DNS cache
A. MacOS
To clean your DNS if you are using MacOS, then perform below steps.
1. Click Applications.
2. Click Utilities
3. Click Terminal
4. Run the below command
sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
B. Windows
1. Click on start
2. Right-click Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator.
3. Run the below command
ipconfig /flushdns
If the above process do not work for your website then contact your web hosting provider and ask for IP blacklist removal. If you are using our web hosting please contact our support via Support Ticket.