How can I buy domain in Nepal?
A domain name is the address of your website where online user can access your web content. To make your website public on internet you need to buy domain name and web hosting. You can buy domain in Nepal from our website with your local payment gateway like eSewa, fonepay, Khalti or IME Pay. Domain are activated instantly once payment is verified.
Follow these steps to buy domain in Nepal:

Step 1: Go to Domain Registration page from here-> and check the desired domain availability.

Step 2: If your desired domain name is available, you will see option to “Add to Cart“. Click on it and the Checkout.

Step 3: You will see option to configure your domain, enter your name servers or leave it default and click on Continue.

Step 4: Now you will see Review and Checkout page, click on Checkout from left sidebar.
Step 5: Fill your personal details and select desired payment gateway and then click on Complete Order.

Step 6: You will be now see your invoice page. Click on Pay Now button and make the payment.
Step 7 :After your payment is verified your domain will be active and you will receive email notification.
Make sure you have entered your entered your personal details correctly. You also need to verify your email details later. Be wise while selecting domain name, you will not be able to change or rename domain name once your domain is active. If you want to register domain then you can register at
Please comment below if you have any query about domain registration, You can also contact our support team from live chat or support ticket if you are having issue while buying domain from us.