How to Resolve the “DNS Entry Already Exists” Issue in cPanel/WHM

When managing hosting accounts on cPanel/WHM, you might encounter the error:

A DNS entry for “[]” already exists. You must remove this DNS entry from this server or all servers in the DNS cluster to proceed.

This error arises when residual DNS records for the domain exist on your server or DNS cluster, preventing the creation of a new account. In this guide, we’ll walk you through resolving this issue step-by-step. This blog is designed for hosting professionals and server administrators, especially those catering to web hosting clients who value efficient and reliable hosting services.

Why Does This Error Occur?

This error typically happens due to:

  • A previous hosting account for the domain that wasn’t fully removed.
  • Leftover DNS configurations in cPanel/WHM .
  • Synchronization issues in a DNS cluster.

To resolve it, you’ll need to identify and remove the offending DNS entries manually.

Step-by-Step Solution

Step 1: Verify the DNS Entry

Start by checking whether the DNS entry exists.

  1. Log in to your WHM panel.
  2. Navigate to DNS Functions > Delete a DNS Zone.
  3. Search for the domain in the list. If it exists, delete it.
  4. If the domain is not listed, proceed to the next steps to manually investigate.

Step 2: Locate Residual DNS Entries

Connect to your server via SSH and run the following command:

grep -r "[]" /etc/
How to Resolve the "DNS Entry Already Exists" Issue in cPanel/WHM

This command searches for any references to the domain in your server’s configuration files. Typical locations include:

  • /etc/named.conf
  • /etc/named.conf.rebuilddnsconfig
  • /etc/named.conf.prerebuilddnsconfig
  • /var/named/

Step 3: Remove the DNS Zone Configuration

If entries are found, follow these steps:

  1. Backup Configuration Files:
    cp /etc/named.conf /etc/named.conf.bak cp /etc/named.conf.rebuilddnsconfig /etc/named.conf.rebuilddnsconfig.bak cp /etc/named.conf.prerebuilddnsconfig /etc/named.conf.prerebuilddnsconfig.bak
  2. Edit Configuration Files: Open the configuration files one by one (e.g., /etc/named.conf) using your preferred text editor:
    nano /etc/named.conf
    Look for the following block and remove it:
    zone "[]" {
    file "/var/named/[].db";
  3. Delete the Zone File: Remove the associated DNS zone file:
    rm -f /var/named/[].db

Step 4: Restart the DNS Service

After removing the DNS entries, restart the DNS service to apply the changes:

systemctl restart named

Step 5: Flush DNS Cache (Optional)

Clear any cached DNS entries to ensure no remnants remain:

rndc flush

Step 6: Reattempt Account Creation

Return to WHM and retry creating the account. The process should now complete without errors.

Best Practices to Avoid This Error

  1. Properly Remove Old Accounts: When deleting hosting accounts, ensure all associated DNS entries are removed.
  2. Monitor DNS Clusters: If you’re using a DNS cluster, regularly sync and monitor DNS zones across all servers.
  3. Regular Backups: Always back up configuration files before making changes.
  4. Leverage Automation: Use automated scripts to clean up DNS zones when deleting accounts to avoid residual entries.

Why Choose eHostingServer for Your Web Hosting Needs?

At eHostingServer, we prioritize seamless hosting experiences for our clients, ensuring that issues like these are resolved efficiently. Our advanced infrastructure, coupled with expert support, makes us the preferred choice for businesses across the US and Europe. Here’s what sets us apart:

  • 24/7 Expert Support: Our team is always available to assist with technical challenges.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: We utilize the latest tools and frameworks to deliver fast and reliable hosting.
  • Custom Solutions: From small businesses to enterprises, we tailor hosting packages to meet your needs.
  • Data Security: Your data is safe with our robust security measures.


Encountering the “DNS entry already exists” error can be frustrating, but with the steps outlined in this guide, you can resolve it quickly and efficiently. At eHostingServer, we’re here to help you succeed with reliable, hassle-free hosting services. Ready to elevate your hosting experience? Contact us today!

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