How to Create and Restore Backups in cPanel ?

How to Create and Restore Backups in cPanel ?

A Website backup is a copy of all your data, files, and databases. Its purpose is to prevent data loss if something happens and your current site breaks down.

Whether you’re a personal website owner or an online business entrepreneur, you want to make sure your website is secure. Losing your site data due to a human error, malware, or hardware malfunction can be hard to recover from.

The Backup interface lets you create backups of your files, and you can download and store your files and databases. You can use cPanel Backup Wizard and JetBackup 5 to backup and Restore your cPanel website step by step.

In this blog I will show you how to Create and Restore Backups in cPanel:

OPTION 1: Create and restore backups in cPanel using the Backup and Backup Wizard.

The main difference between Backup Wizard and JetBackup 5 is that in Backup Wizard you have to create a backup of your website, after which you can download or restore it. However, in JetBackup 5, you do not need to create a backup, one is already present, and you can simply restore or download it.

The Backup Wizard interface allows you to backup a full website or certain parts of your website. Also, it is used to restore it from the most recent backup files. Here the steps you should follow to Create and Restore Backups in cPanel.

STEP 1: Login to cPanel.

STEP 2: Go to the Files section there you see Backup Wizard click on that.

Create and Restore Backups in cPanel

STEP 3: On the left side, you will see the “Back up” option, click on that.

Backup features of cPanel

STEP 4: Choose the type of backup you need. If you want to retain all the data, then create Full Backup.

Full backup of cPanel

STEP 5: Use the Backup Destination drop-down menu to select where you want cPanel to store the compressed backup file. If you are not sure, select the Home Directory option.

There are 4 options:

Home directory: Select this setting to save the backup file on the server.

Remote FTP Server: Select this setting to use FTP to store the backup file on a remote server.

Remote FTP Server(Passive mode transfer): Select this setting to use passive FTP to store the backup file on a remote server.

Secure Copy : Select this setting to use secure copy protocol (SCP) to store the backup file on a remote server.

If you want to receive notification of the backup’s completion, then enter your email address in the Email Address field. If you do not want to receive any notifications, then simply check the “Do not send email notification of backup completion” option. Then click on Generate Backup.

Backups available option for download  to Create and Restore backups.

STEP 6: You will be able to access the backup file within the Backup Wizard menu, on the Download tab at the rightmost. When the backup completes, you will see a download link under Backups Available for Download. Click on the link, and you will be able to download the compressed file to your local computer.

STEP 7 :When you click on Backup Wizard, there on the left side you will see “Partial backup.” In partial backup, there are three options: Home Directory, MySQL Databases, and Email Forwarders and Filters. That means you can download any specific files or databases or emails.

Partial backup to Create and Restore backups.

STEP 10: As you can see I have downloaded Home Directory. You can download on the basis of your requirement.

selecting home directory to Create and Restore backups

Manual Backup Steps

Here the steps you should follow to Create and Restore Backups in cPanel.

STEP 1: Log In to your cPanel.

STEP 2: Navigate to the “Backup” menu, in the “Files” section of your cPanel. 

Backup option in cPanel  to Create and Restore backups

STEP 3: Choose the type of Backup you need. 

Full backup to Create and Restore backups
Partial backups to Create and Restore backups

STEP 4: For this blog, we’ll use “Download a Full Account Backup. If you want partial backup then you can also do that as shown above.

STEP 5: Specify whether you’ll have cPanel email you when the backup is ready or not. Click Generate Backup. 

STEP 6: You will be able to access the Backup file within cPanel > Files > File Manager > Home.

  • The Backup files will be on the Home folder of your File Manager, as tar.gz files or tarballs
  • Tarballs are similar to .zip or .rar compressed files, only, these are Unix filetypes.

Congratulations, you now have another backup of all your website’s files. You will be able to use this file to restore your website . The “Restore” dialogue is also on the same dashboard.

OPTION 2: Restoring Backup using Jetbackup 5

Jetbackup 5 is a tool available in your cPanel which provides a powerful set of backup and recovery solutions.

In JetBackup, you don’t have to create a backup, it is already created there, and you can download or restore it easily.

Jetbackup feature is added to your cPanel with no extra cost to our hosting plan Web Hosting, Business hosting , Reseller hosting and Web hosting in Nepal.

If you want to know more about JetBackup then you can read directly from JetBackup page.

What are the restore and download options available in Jetbackup 5?

JetBackup 5 provides users with nine different options for creating backups in their cPanel and can be found in the Files section of your cPanel.

Full Backups, Home Directory, Cron Jobs, Databases, Database Users, DNS Zones, Certificates, Email Accounts and FTP Accounts.

In this blog, we will see the details of the most popular and frequently used JetBackup options:

  • Full Backups.
  • Home Directory
  • Database Backups.
  • Email Backups.
All options  of jetbackup 5 to Create and Restore backups


The Full account backup restore option will open. Choose the backup date you want to restore by clicking on it, then scroll down the page and click on the Restore button. Here the steps you should follow to Create and Restore Backups in cPanel.

STEP 1: Log in to your cPanel.

STEP 2: Scroll down to the Files section and click on JetBackup5.

Jetbackup 5 option in cPanel to Create and Restore backups

STEP 3: Under the Restore & Download section, click Full Backups.

selecting full backups to Create and Restore backups

STEP 4:Select the backup you would like to restore, then click the Restore button if you want to restore .Otherwise click on Download if you want to download it. I want to restore it so I have clicked on Restore.

selecting specific date to Create and Restore backups

STEP 5: From the Restore Summary Screen ,you’ll see the selected backups to restore under Items To Restore ,then click on Restore selected Items.

Restore selected items

STEP 6: Wait for the Queue to finish the restoration job, the ‘Completed’ status will display when the restore is complete.

waiting in the queue

At the end of the “Processing…” state, the backup will be downloaded from the backup server, and your account will be destroyed and re-created, rendering your account inoperable for some time. Please be patient!


STEP 1: Choose second option that is Home Directory .

Home directory option in jetbackup 5 to Create and Restore backups

STEP 2: After clicking Home Directory, you will be given a list of backups. In my example, I’m going to restore from the latest backup, so I will choose the backup at the top by clicking on it.

STEP 3:To select the files or folders I want to restore, you need to click the Change File Selection button.

selecting files  to Create and Restore backups

STEP 4 : After clicking that button, a you will be presented with a list of folders and files in your home directory. Click through these folders until you locate the file or folders you want to restore. Once you’ve located the folder, you’ll tick the checkbox to the left of the folder in the bottom right of the modal and click Select Files.

In my example, I will restore all the files inside the public_html directory.

selecting public_html folder

STEP 5: After clicking that button, the modal will disappear. Now scroll down the page and look for the two options to Restore or Download these files. Depending on what you want to do, you can choose an option here.

I want to restore, so I’m going to click Restore. However, if you want to download these files, you can click download, and they will be made available to you as a zip file.

STEP 6: After clicking Restore, a modal will appear, asking you to confirm the restoration. Just click the Restore selected items button.


STEP 1: Select the Databases option.

Database option in jetbackup 5 to Create and Restore backups

STEP 2: After clicking Databases, you will be given a list of available database backups. In my example, I’m going to restore a database called “risenepa_items” from the latest backup, so I will choose the backup at the top by clicking on it.

selecting database to Create and Restore backups

STEP 3: When you’re ready to restore the Database, click the Restore button. Or if you want to downloads it then click on download button.

STEP 4: If you need to choose another date for the Backup, click “Choose Other Backup.


STEP 1: Once Jetbackup 5 opens, click Email accounts to open the file restoration tool.

Email accounts in jetbackup 5 to Create and Restore backups

STEP 2: After clicking Email accounts, you will be given a list of available email account backups. In my example, I’m going to download a backup of an email account called “” from the latest backup, so I will choose the backup at the top by clicking on it.

If you need to choose another date for the Backup, click “Choose Other Backup.”

selecting specific email address to Create and Restore backups

STEP 3: If you want to restore it then click on Restore button or if you want to download it then click it on Download button.

On the next screen, you’ll be presented with a list of items to generate a download. Click the “Download Selected Items” button to restore the email account.

Understanding the Queue statuses

The queue status “Pending” means the server is waiting for the restoration task to be processed.

The queue status “In Progress” means that you need to wait, and avoid any actions inside the cPanel account, till the restoration is completed.

The queue status “Completed” means that the restoration has been successful.

If you get the queue status “Failed” you may try another date, or you may contact our support.

I hope this information helps you Create and Restore Backups in cPanel. If you have any questions about using any one of the options especially if you are considering using the restore feature you can contact us through a Support Ticket or live chat. We are there for you.

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