4 steps to solve Required PHP extension not found mysqli

4 steps to solve Required PHP extension not found mysqli

Is your WordPress throwing the “Required PHP extension not found mysqli ” error while installing WordPress? The error message indicates that the PHP scripting language on your web server is not set up properly to work with MySQL databases.For example, if your server still uses PHP 5.6 or an older version, it would be missing the MySQL extension, which is required by the WordPress software.In this guide, we’ll walk you through the 4 steps to fix this issue and ensure you can install WordPress smoothly again. Steps to solve Required PHP extension not found mysqliSTEP 1: Log in to cPanel.Step 2: Go to the Software section, where you can see Select PHP version, and click on that.Step 3: In this step, you can see all the PHP extensions. You should click o...
3 ways to run a different PHP version in cPanel ?

3 ways to run a different PHP version in cPanel ?

PHP is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. PHP is a widely-used, free, and efficient . Sometimes we need to run a different PHP version for our project, and cPanel has some built-in functions that allow us to change the PHP Version directly. PHP 8.1, released in 2021, brings major new features such as  Enums, Fibers, Intersection Types, readonly properties.With cPanel default Select PHP Version and MultiPHP Manager ,it is easy to run a different PHP version for a Domain, an Addon domain, and a Subdomain.Run a different PHP version with Select PHP Version.If you want to change the PHP Version of your Main/Primary domain, you can do so by using the Select PHP Ver...